everything i do, i do it for some reason.
n the presence of me in this world is surely with purposes.
i wonder what it is..
different person might have their own perception.
it is whether we realize it or not that we have done a right or wrong thing.
it seems that im such an innocent person ryte?
but, who really knows me?
am i really that innocent that dont commit sins? (such a pretty good liar.)
i maybe lose myself from the right path.
but i dont think im the only person that should be blame.
as long as theres a hope for me to get change myself to be a better person is more than enough for this time being.
changes need sacrifice which come from a pure and full of sincerity hearts.
its just for a new breathy lyfe that is out from the messed that i've created.
ps : if and only if theres someone who can really helped me out..